Instantly see all your options and get group health insurance with SimplyInsured.

Easily Compare Plans.  See all the top plans with side-by-side rankings on price, quality, and more in plain english.
Instant Quotes.  We show every available plan and recommend those with the lowest cost and best value. 
See All Your Options.  Perfect for small businesses buying group health insurance for the first time, or for businesses benchmarking their existing plan. 

Shopping for Health Insurance Made Easy

Find Your Perfect Health Insurance Plan

No Jargon, Just Plain English 

Detailed Doctor Network Comparisons

Find the perfect health insurance plan for your needs. Use our intuitive tools to filter plans by the coverage that matters to you:

  • Monthly Premium 
  • Deductible
  • Doctor Copay
  • Prescription Drug Coverage
  • and more!

Cut through the confusion in doctor networks with detailed assessments of the doctor networks for each insurance carrier and plan. 

  • See each plan's network ratings for your local area, state, and nationwide
  • Doctor search tool to identify if your doctor is in-network with a plan

See health insurance plan details described in plain english, not insurance carrier jargon. Get side by side comparisons of your favorited plans and simple explanations of the network, coverage, and costs of the plan.

SimplyInsured instantly shows you every plan available in your area. See pricing immediately and receive personalized plan advice.

100% Privacy Guaranteed.

Members could save $500-$1000 per employee per year on group health insurance. 1


1 Depending on existing group health insurance or policies being evaluated.

©    SimplyInsured, Inc. Insurance products sold by Vivek Shah